Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sweet dreams.

I just spent a solid five minutes consoling a suddenly awake and hysterical 3.5 year old. She's known to have night terrors but this was different. She was totally lucid and adamant that "I want some lbajeialjgeaijgleasdg e."  She wanted that very same thing every time I asked her.  Her words would blend between wanting to go back to sleep and wanting to convey her need and it was just disaster each time she tried to tell me.  Finally, I gently reminded her that once she was able to tell me why she was upset I could try and make it all better and tuck her back to sleep.

Lacey:  Oh, I just want some fruit snacks.
Me:  Fruit snacks.. really?
Lacey: Yes, just want some fruit snacks.
Me:  Baby, no.
Lacey:  K, goin' back to sleep now.

I'm serious, y'all.  Motherhood is NEVER dull.


  1. I died just now. Died. Omg. I have no words.

    And also.... 3.5 years old?!?! What?! You were just newly pregnant with her when I met you :( Where did all this time go!?

  2. 3.5? Really? REALLY?! Gawd, I feel old.

  3. Poor baby! Leilah has night terrors, too, and it's awful. It takes so much to console her, and sometimes there's not even a chance of consoling her because she's so riled up. Sigh.
